Monday, February 15, 2010

Of ageing (ungracefully)

I was at a friend's birthday party this past Saturday night (was one helluva party too). I had taken along another friend who is currently staying with me, let's call him SRK for now (and I know two people who would love that)

At the party SRK and I were standing around and doing our thing, which isn't saying much, now that I think of it. We met this chap who's a pilot and what not and generally began chatting with him about his career and all that. Damn nice guy, damn sweet and all that. When we asked him his age, said pilot replied that he was 21 years old, at which both SRK and I (who are 23 and 24 respectively) turned to each other surprised because - and let's face it - once you hit 23, everything below seems that much younger. We didn't think much about it then though, we were pretty hammered ourselves.

Fast forward to five minutes ago, I'm at work sitting next to Big Z (who's 27), and I remember and narrate the above story to him, ending with the comment "I can't believe we now find a 21 year old guy young"

Comes reply: "Get used to it asshole. It only gets worse from here"

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